Continuing Legacies of Integrity and Success

We are strategic investors in differentiated business services, industrials, and value-added manufacturing businesses

Investing With Heart

We are family-oriented, prioritizing people and lifelong relationships

Advancing Growth Together

We are patient, conservative business-builders who invest for tomorrow

Transforming the Private Equity Experience for Business Owners

We partner with founders and management teams to provide a principled, patient, and flexible investment solution. Our capital and resources help unlock businesses’ growth potential at key catalyst points in their life cycle. Our firm has the systems, tools, and relationships of a much larger institution, yet we remain nimble in decision-making and responding to our partners’ needs. Our differentiation is rooted in putting people and legacy-preservation first in all that we do, and we enjoy building relationships beyond just our management teams – we care about the livelihood of all employees at our Companies, including the most junior team members.

Year Founded
Deals To Date
Entrepreneur /
Family Owned Deals
< $8M
Target EBITDA Focus
Jesse Hutton

“From the outset of our partnership, Juniper demonstrated a profound commitment to our vision and provided both the capital and direction to help us successfully scale. Juniper encouraged us to invest in our business, without the pressure of short-term results that would have held us back. They allowed us to stay true to what made Ballard special.”

Jesse Hutton

CEO, Ballard Marine Construction

Bill Wilson

“We chose Juniper because they aren’t the typical 'private equity guys.' The Juniper team is down-to-earth, and working with them to execute our growth plan has been both fun and rewarding. They can dive into the details when needed, while also respecting the culture and processes that have previously been built.”

Bill Wilson

Metal Resources Inc.

Pete Stegmaier

“Juniper stood out from other private equity firms through their ability to understand the intricacies of smaller businesses. Their support went beyond financial backing, guiding us through an initial merger and integration of two aerospace companies. We are now driving a robust acquisition strategy, utilizing Juniper’s same principles of the initial successful transaction.”

Pete Stegmaier

CEO, Precision Aerospace Holdings